Budget Alignment Training

Budget Alignment Training was conducted in  13 woredas of Amhar national regional state. The training aimed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and tools for effective budget alignment. A total of 307 participants from thirteen woreda (97 F) attended.

The training aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and tools for effective budget alignment. This included familiarizing them with the Joint Action Plan (JAP) as a tool to summarize agreed service improvement areas, introducing the Citizen Budget (CB) to enhance accessibility of public budget information and citizen engagement, and highlighting the importance of Citizen Report Cards (CRCs) to facilitate dialogue and feedback. Additionally, the training covered the different stages of the budget process and their significance in ensuring effective budget alignment. Overall, the objective was to empower participants to actively engage in budget alignment efforts, contributing to improved service delivery, accountability, and citizen participation in their respective woredas.

Budget Alignment Training