
Provide training on SA and project plans to WSAE’s

Provide training on SA and project plans to WSAE’s

FTA-SA-GRM Linkage Meeting Developing Families Together (DFT) with partner organization assigned 7 WSAE’s to facilitating the SA activities in all 13 project Woredas.   Considering this, we have conducted two days SA training for WASEs and key staff 16(10F). The training supported the team to grasp the project objectives, activities, targets, expected results, basic concepts of …

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FTA-SA-GRM Linkage Meeting

FTA-SA-GRM Linkage Meeting

FTA-SA-GRM Linkage Meeting To lead to better coordination of activities, utilize the strength of each sub-component, eliminate overlapping or redundant activities, and merge duplicate structures FTA-SA-GRM linkage meeting was conducted based on the revised FTA-SA-GRM guidelines in all project intervention woredas. Based on the revised ESAP3 FTA-SA-GRM guideline, we have conducted FTA-SA-GRM linkage meeting in …

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Budget Alignment Training

Budget Alignment Training

Budget Alignment Training Budget Alignment Training was conducted in  13 woredas of Amhar national regional state. The training aimed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and tools for effective budget alignment. A total of 307 participants from thirteen woreda (97 F) attended. The training aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive …

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