FTA-SA-GRM Linkage Meeting

To lead to better coordination of activities, utilize the strength of each sub-component, eliminate overlapping or redundant activities, and merge duplicate structures FTA-SA-GRM linkage meeting was conducted based on the revised FTA-SA-GRM guidelines in all project intervention woredas. Based on the revised ESAP3 FTA-SA-GRM guideline, we have conducted FTA-SA-GRM linkage meeting in all intervention woredas and a total of 196(66F) participants attended. FTA-SA-GRM Linkage Meeting The objectives of the meeting were enabling joint planning, strengthening linkage of WSAC, FTA & GRM committees as well as other existing community structures, orient members about their revised roles, provide technical support in the preparation of their own action plan, and monthly meeting arrangements and leading to a more efficient program in the core areas of collaboration and facilitate institutionalization of SA, FTA and GRM into existing (government) systems and structures. During the meeting, basic concepts of ESAP3, the social accountability cycle, the purpose of SA, FTA and GRM linkage, core linkage areas for the three sub-components, capacity development and learning and the implementation/coordination mechanisms of the linkages are briefly presented for the participants.    
S/No Name of woreda Participants from relevant sectors, and others
Male Female Total
1 Debere Markos 9 6 15
2 Aneded 10 5 15
3 Goncha siso Enese 11 4 15
4 Enarej Enawuga 13 2 15
5 Enemay 11 7 18
6 Shebel Berenta 10 7 17
7 Dejen 9 9 18
8 Machakel 10 7 17
9 Guagusa Shekudad 9 4 13
10 Injibara 10 3 13
11 dangila 9 3 12
12 Jawi 12 5 17
13 Gonji 8 3 11
  Total 130 66 196