FTA-SA-GRM Linkage Meeting

Developing Families Together (DFT) with partner organization assigned 7 WSAE’s to facilitating the SA activities in all 13 project Woredas.   Considering this, we have conducted two days SA training for WASEs and key staff 16(10F). The training supported the team to grasp the project objectives, activities, targets, expected results, basic concepts of ESAP3 and SA concepts and their roles and responsibility under this project. 

Composition of participants

SN Training participants Number
Male Female Total
1 DFT key staff 3 1 4
2 WSAEs from all IPs 3 4 7
3 Executive director- SAFE and ECO 2 2
4 Field casher- SAFE 1 1
5 Partner field  casher and secretary- ECO 2 2
  Total 6 10 16

Provide training on SA and project plans to WSAE’sProvide training on SA and project plans to WSAE’s