Social Accountability (SA) Awareness Raised and Citizens Mobilized

Project start-up discussions conducted in all intervention woredas with key stakeholders, including woreda administration, finance office and other relevant sector representatives, SA, FTA and GRM focal persons, representatives from CBO’s and MBO’s, WSAC members about the SA project. In addition, discussions conducted on WSAC composition and roles of stakeholders. 

Institutional mapping exercise Goncha Siso Enese Woreda
Institutional mapping exercise Goncha Siso Enese Woreda

Institutional mapping was conducted at Goncha Siso Enese and Jawi woredas to identify the existing community structures. Based on the institutional mapping findings youth association, women association, children parliament, teachers’ association, Iddir, CCC, PLHIV, PWDs, and elders’ association are identified as community structures and linked with the SA process/WSAC.

One-day consultation meeting conducted on the findings of the institutional mapping with key woreda stakeholders including community organizations and relevant woreda government departments, labor and social affairs, women and children affairs, FTA and GRM, and a total of 32 (9F) representatives participated.